
  • Gore v. State, — So.3d —- (2013)

    Defendant was convicted in the Circuit Court, Webster County, of driving under the influence (DUI) as a first offense, and was sentenced to 48 hours in county jail, suspended subject to completion of six months of probation and additional conditions, and ordered to pay a fine of $520.50. Defendant appealed. The Court of Appeals held that: [1] results of breath alcohol test were admissible, and [2] defendant was not deprived of a protected property right. Affirmed.

  • Lumpkin v. Birdsong, 212 Miss. 616, 55 So.2d 230 (Miss. 1951)

    Driver employed by railroad to drive truck to transport other employees and tools to and from work was, in respect to use of truck, operating “a private commercial carrier” by motor vehicle used in furtherance of commercial enterprise of railroading for purpose of statute in regard to operator’s licenses.



Adoption of Federal Regulations

What Constitutes a CMV

Major Disqualifying Offenses

Major Disqualifying Offenses (Alcohol)

Serious Traffic Offenses

Identification of Conviction

Masking Convictions

10-Day Posting Requirement

Other CDL Provisions


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