Ethically Handling Commercial Drivers in Criminal & Traffic Courts

Course Description:

Every year, over half a million crashes on American highways involve commercial motor vehicles. These crashes result in enough fatalities to wipe out the entire population of more than any one of half of America’s towns. Many involve repeat violators, some of whom would not have been on the road if Federal and state CDL/CMV laws were properly and ethically enforced.

Judges who handle cases involving commercial driver’s licenses and commercial motor vehicles are often unaware of Federal regulations and state laws that require courts to treat commercial drivers differently than noncommercial drivers, even when a traffic violation has been committed in a personal or family vehicle.

This subject is one all judges must understand. Most misdemeanor and felony court judges don’t realize these laws may apply to cases where no traffic violation is even alleged. Many high-volume traffic courts are unaware of the need to establish special procedures for the handling of CDL/CMV cases.

Course Objectives:
After this course, participants will be able to:
• Identify applicable Federal and state CDL/CMV laws;
• Determine what constitutes “masking”;
• Discover the unique definition of a “conviction” under CDL/CMV laws;
• Recognize the legal, financial and social consequences of failures to enforce CDL/CMV laws;
• Detect the ethical implications of mishandling CDL/CMV cases;
• Apply recent expungement laws to holders of commercial driver licenses; and
• Develop ethical and efficient procedures for the handling of CDL/CMV cases in your court.