Human Trafficking Resources

Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000

The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (H.R. 3244) is a significant U.S. law aimed at combating human trafficking and providing protection for victims. It primarily focuses on addressing the global and domestic issues of human trafficking, especially women and children who are trafficked for forced labor or the sex trade.

Full Text of the Law

What is Human Trafficking?

Learn more from our many informative resources:

Human Trafficking Screening Tool

This screening tool for juveniles is used in Indiana but serves as a template for every other state.

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Securing Justice to Combat Human Trafficking and Sexual Assault

This collection of articles is from the American Bar Association and will require ABA login access. 

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Familial Sex Trafficking

A national study of prevalence, characteristics, and challenges across the justice process.

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Most recent report on faith practices in shelter care

A national study of sex trafficking survivors’ experiences in faith-based shelters.

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national Shelter Landscape Map

This map shows where shelters exists for trafficked victims.

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Trafficking Specialized Docket

CATCH court is a specialized docket focused on victims of human trafficking.

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Affiliate Organizations

National Anti-Human Trafficking Hotline
888-373-7888 or Text INFO to 233733

Truckers Against Trafficking